Why I Teach Women

"You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?" /queue Talking Heads/

Our lives are a culmination of a lot of shit that has happened TO and FOR and BECAUSE of us in the past decades. How we respond, react, and reinvent is up to US. Most of how we feel about our lives and ourselves takes place inside our own head. Mindset can be a battleground or an oasis - it's OUR CHOICE.

My own journey into not only resetting my mindset but abundance, wealth, prosperity, and acceptance was long and hard. I’m still on that journey. I’ve learned SO DAMN MUCH it honestly feels selfish to keep it to myself. You don’t have the same past or path as I do. My hope is that together we help you determine where you want to go and HOW.

  • Angry people can be wealthy.
  • Happy people can have crushing debt.
  • Bitter people can have great health.
  • Loving people can have shitty relationships.
  • Fearful people can have amazing careers.
  • “Beautiful” people can have crappy self-esteem.

I’ve been through all this. And more. Much more. I suspect some of the above – even mixed & matched – feels familiar to you as well. Our narrative identity and autobiographical reasoning can become baggage if we let it. So. We can become more than the parts of our past. Write a new story. Feel a new vibe. Live a reimagined life. My life is unfolding to be a true reflection of ME. That doesn’t mean those around me have to suffer or change. I work less now than I ever have. I earn more than I ever have. I am more content with myself than I have ever been. I turned 50-years-old May 2021. Midlife is a damn metamorphosis and I AM HERE FOR IT. I want you to have that as well

My own internal slang for this process has been “RIP” – Reinvent In Place. I don’t want to leave my house, husband, career, kids, etc. Midlife = BURN IT ALL DOWN for so many women but it doesn’t have to be that way. WE CHOOSE. And I want to share with you the tools that helped me not only choose, but be strong and confident in those choices.

Oh, there will be practical tools. There will be woo-woo tools. There will be things that you have never heard of before (WTAF Lynette?!) There will be things you’ve tried in the past. Good. We are gonna start this alllll over again the RIGHT way. YOUR way.