How is the Program Run?

Each lesson (or group of lessons) in this program will be released weekly. This gives you time to work on each section without the distraction of "jumping ahead." (I am the most guilty person EVER when it comes to this, I know the temptation is strong to just go through an entire program without "doing the work." The program only works if you do the work!)

As each lesson is released you will receive an email with the link to access the videos, audio, slides and worksheets. You then have lifetime access so you can retake any section - or the entire program - as many times as you would like.

Additional Tools to Invest In:

Dedicated Journaling Notebook

It may sound corny, but make sure the journal you choose is pretty and has nice paper. You will be taking notes and journaling so having a tool that feels luxurious and indulgent is important. Invest the time to decorate your journal with stickers and bling and doodles. Learn to be imperfect with it.

One thing I would strongly recommend is dating everything you write in your journal. It helps a lot to be able to go back and see your progress - yes, even those times you've completely strayed off path and wound up someplace crazy!

Aspirational Altar Setup

Students that sign up for PROGRAM + COACHING will be sent my Aspirational Altar Starter Kit that includes:

  • Power Stone Bracelet
  • Luxury Pen & Journal
  • Meditation Candle
  • Crystal (Personalized)
  • Essential Oil Roller (Personalized)
  • Desk Mantra Plaque (Personalized)
  • ...and a few more special treats!

If you're not part of the coaching program, you can either order the kit separately or DIY! Start with a great candle and a beautifully printed manra on your desk.

Create beauty around you to uncover the beauty within you.

The point of the Aspirational Altar is to have a place where you can go and be calm, relaxed, and focused so that you can work through the lessons, and, well, DO THE WORK. I cannot stress enough how importing having a dedicated area for you to work is. An Aspirational Altar helps set the mood, regain focus, and filter distractions.

With programs I've personally purchased, I've found the ability to go back and retake the lessons over and over invaluable. There will be aspects of this program that don't resonate with where you are right now. They may later. One of the many reasons my past coaching clients come back to me again and again is to break through plateaus. Hey, we ALL hit them. Now you will have the ability to retake the program any time in the future to either strengthen your results or help get unstuck.

Program + Coaching

If you have signed up for Program + Coaching support, you not only receive 1:1 coaching with me, but a personalized Aspirational Altar. Your schedule will be:

Week Coaching Sessions

  1. Kickoff
  2. Starting / Stalling / Shifting
  3. Predicament
  4. Passion
  5. Profits
  6. Perception
  7. Purpose
  8. Progress
  9. People
  10. Prosperity
  11. Perseverance
  12. Program Wrap Up

After the online program has been completed, you will have email access and one (1) coaching hour per month for nine (9) months. You have "forever access" to the online program.

Complete and Continue